D.C. Sen
Professor and Head (Retd.), Department of Dairy Technology, W.B. University of Animal & Fishery, Sciences, Mohanpur Campus, Nadia, West Bengal
G.S. Rajorhia
Former Principal Scientist, ICAR- National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132 001


Compatibility between nolen gur and milk sweetmeats has remained existent for centuries. Presence of nolen gur in several milk sweets enhances their palatability considerably. This gur is a specialty of Bengal and closely associated with the culture and sentiment of Bengalis. During winter when this gur is available in plenty, varieties of popular milk sweetmeats like sandesh, rasogolla, kachhagolla, payesh, etc. are prepared from it. These are served to guests during social gatherings, worship, marriage, birthday party, etc. Liquid nolen gur can be consumed as such with chapatti and bread.

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