A Center Made For You

In consonance with its basic ethos to knit the dairy fraternity together in order to promote partnership and participation, IDA has instituted a Convention Centre for its HQ in New Delhi. The centre is tailor-made to suit the requirements of the dairy professionals and is designed to enhance and supplement the activities of the dairy industry.

Convention Centre aims to provide the members with working space for various dairy and food projects. This will facilitate the members to coordinate their dairy development activities from the New Delhi office itself. Convention Centre is divided into thirteen cabins by partitioning the big hall, measuring about 4000 sq. ft along with a Conference Room to accommodate 16-18 people.

Contact details for any query:

Secretary General
Indian Dairy Association
IDA House, Sector-IV, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110 022
Phones.: 91-11-26170781, 26165355, 26179781
E-mail: idahq@rediffmail.com