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Indian Dairyman
Indian Journal of Dairy Science
Dugdh Sarita
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Statistics/Information Platform
Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics-2023 by DAHD, M/o FAH&D, GOI
About Operation Flood
The Anand Pattern
Dr. V. Kurien - Father of the White Revolution
19th Livestock Census-2012 (All India Report) by Deptt. of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India
State Wise ranking of Districts based on Artificial Insemination coverage under Rashtriya Gokul Mission Niti aayog - Transformation of 115 Aspirational Districts - Rashtriya Gokul Mission 2017-18 ( up to Jan 2018)
Few Central Government Dairy Development Schemes
Vision 2022 - National Action Plan for Dairy Development
Guidelines for export /import of bovine germplasm (Revised April 2016)
Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM)
Concept Note-RGM in English
Concept Note-RGM in Hindi
Operational Guidelines for Implementation of RGM
Total Project Cost Approved, Funds Released and indicative allocation for 2018-19 under RGM
Dairy Processing and Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF) Scheme during 2018-19
Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme during 2018-19
Outlays of Scheme
Eligible Beneficiaries
Pattern of Assistance
Financial Institutions eligible for re-finance under the scheme
Linkage with credit
Operational Guidelines for Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme for Implementation during 2018-19
Indian Dairy Association
IDA's Initiatives/Events
Transit Room
The Library
Advertisement Details (Indain Dairyman & Indian Journal of Dairy Science)
Advertisement Details (Dugdh Sarita)
IDA Clientele
Advt. Tariff
Indian Dairyman
Indian Journal of Dairy Science
Dugdh Sarita
Editorial Board (Indian Journal of Dairy Science & Indian Dairyman)
Editorial Board (Indian Journal of Dairy Science & Indian Dairyman)
Dr. R.S. Sodhi
Dr. Satish Kulkarni
Mr. Ajay Kumar Khosla
Subject Specialist
Dr. R.M. Acharya, Dr. Kiran Singh, Prof. A.K. Misra, Prof. (Dr.) R.N. Kohli, Dr. R.R.B. Singh, Dr. Pramthesh R. Patel, Dr. R. Rajendra Kumar, and Dr. J.B. Prajapati
Editor-Indian Dairyman
Dr. Suneel Kumar Onteru
Dr. Bimlesh Mann
Secretary General - IDA
Shri Hariom Gulati
IDA Publication
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