Saurabh Pandey
Ph.D. Scholar, Anand Agricultural University Anand (Gujarat)
K. Ponnusamy
Principal Scientist, Division of Dairy Extension, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal


Dairy farming is practised mainly by resource poor farmers. Marginal and landless farmers are generally considered to be resource poor farmers and they are susceptible to higher degree of risk, due to limited resources like land, water and capital. This constrains them to secure their family livelihood. Problems often faced by resource poor dairy farmers are inadequate water supply for farm operations, limited or lack of storage facilities for farm produce and lack of cheap and efficient means of transportation. Productivity and profitability of milk can be increased by empowering the resource poor farmers. It will increase the living standard of resource poor farmers. The animal holding of landless is increasing in the country as it provides steady and assured income which ultimately improves their livelihood substantially. Landless and poor farmers are actively involved in dairying as an indispensable means of livelihood. Extension interventions would help these farmers to access knowledge and technologies that can enhance their standard of living.

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