Savita Devi
Ph.D. scholar, Animal Biochemistry Division, NDRI, Karnal
Kamal Gandhi
Scientist, Dairy Chemistry Division, NDRI, Karnal
Seema Rana
Senior Research Fellow, Dairy Chemistry Division, NDRI, Karnal
Sumit Arora
Principal Scientist, Dairy Chemistry Division, NDRI, Karnal


- Donkey milk has a closer resemblance to human milk
- Donkey milk has higher amount of whey proteins and essential amino acids as compared to that of bovine milk
- Donkey milk has immune-stimulant and cholesterol-lowering properties and also prevents the formation of blood clots, minimizing the risk of coronary heart disease, hypertension and thrombosis
- Donkey milk has osteogenic properties and prevents osteoporosis
- Donkey milk is a suitable food for the patients of inflammatory bowel diseases including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
- Donkey milk has anti-microbial, hypo-allergic and anti-aging properties

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