Bihola Ankit Sanjaykumar
M. Tech. Scholar, Dairy Technology Department, SMC College of Dairy Science, Anand
Atanu H. Jana
Principal, SMC College of Dairy Science, Anand
Satish C. Parmar
Assistant Professor, Department of Dairy Chemistry, SMC College of Dairy Science, Anand


Manufacture of cheese from recombined milk is a necessity in developing countries where there is scarcity of milk for manufacture of dairy products, including cheese. Homogenization is indispensable in preparing recombined cheeses; such treatment confers advantages in cheesemaking and quality, but exerts detrimental effects too. Manufacture of cheese utilizing recombination technology has some associated economic benefits too. Recombined milk may be used to produce fresh cheeses without posing much problems, however stretch curd cheeses and those requiring specific functional properties poses some difficulty. The factors that influence cheese quality include the selection of milk powder and controlling the homogenization conditions. Recently, the development of UF retentate/precheese powder has made it possible to produce cheese from recombined milk with high solids, with little to no whey drainage. Domiati, Feta, Cottage and Mozzarella cheeses are the varieties that have been prepared successfully using recombination technology.

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