Rohit Kumar
Ph.D., Scholar, LPM Section, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal (Haryana)
Sanjay Choudhary
Ph.D., Scholar, LPM Section, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal (Haryana)
Suresh Kumar
Ph.D., Scholar, LPM Section, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal (Haryana)
Jyotimala Sahu
Ph.D., Scholar, LPM Section, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal (Haryana)


The major goal of pre-breeding management of sheep and goat should be to optimize the fertility through proper nutritional management, BSE and health examination. Only BSE proven rams or bucks should be used for breeding to ensure the quality semen production for better fertility. Maintenance of optimum BCS through flushing and good nutrition should be done before and during the breeding season in female animals. This can lead to good ovulation and conception rate, reduction in early embryonic mortality and also increases the chances of the births of duplets and triplets. Therefore, increases the lambing and kidding crop.

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