Join a series of Four Webinars on "The Path to Safer Dairy" to be hosted by Agilent Technologies in association with Indian Dairy Association (West Zone), scheduled between February - July 2025. Register NOW for the Webinar !

Our Vision about Indian Dairy Association

A profitable, competitive and sustainable growing dairy industry built on financially viable business performance throughout the value chain, providing a good quality of life for farmers and ensuring consumers safe and quality milk and milk products.
  • All the Zones / State Chapters should have their own offices and skill development centers.
  • IDA should form its National Policy on Breeding, Feeding, Quality standards, Milk pricing & Exports.
  • IDA should ensure MSP for raw milk & protect milk producers, processors & exporters of milk products.
  • Encourage young scientists & innovations.
  • Offer Technical Advise for dairy farming, milk processing, milk products and quality assurance.
  • Create Strong Lobbying Group for Dairy Industry.
  • Facilitate collaborations between Industry & Research Organizations.
  • Make India Best Quality Milk Producing Nation

Jashbhai Prajapati


Are you ready for knowledge sharing and more services from
IDA West Zone?

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The Path to Safer Dairy

Join a series of Four Webinars on "The Path to Safer Dairy" to be hosted by Agilent Technologies in association with Indian Dairy Association (West Zone), scheduled between February - July 2025. Register NOW for the Webinar !
February - July 2025
Register Now

IDA West Zone is Organizing a Seminar

IDA (West Zone) is organizing a two-day seminar on “Global Market Opportunies for Indian Dairy Sector” during 5-6 December 2024 at Bombay Exhibion Centre, Mumbai, India concurrent with Inter Dairy - 2024. The objecve is to explore, discuss, share and develop a strategy for promong export of dairy products from India for managing the increasing milk producon and beer revenue generaon.
5-6 December 2024
Download Brochure

A Concurrent Exhibition

India's journey from a milk deficient naon to a resolute dairy powerhouse surpassing all boundaries is a testament to its extraordinary growth. This wouldn't have been possible without the adaptaon of new technologies right from the milk producon to processing & packaging and also the Government of India's proacve support to the Indian dairy industry.
5-7 December, 2024
Download Brochure

National Conference on "Dairying - A Tool for Livelihood, Health and Nutrition"

Is being Organized by:
IDA West Zone in association with Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University Nagpur Veterinary College, Nagpur

A Workshop on Effective Customer Complaint Handling Organized

27 April, 2024
Download Brochure


05-06 January, 2024 | Registration Form
Download Brochure
IDA ( West Zone ) Testimonials

What our happy members say about us

मा. चेअरमनसो, इंडियन डेअरी असोसिएशन (वेस्ट झोन), मुंबई.

महाशय, धवल क्रांतीच्या अविरत कार्या मध्ये आपले कार्य अनन्यसाधारण आहे. आपल्या प्रयत्नाने माझ्या सारखे असंख्य दुध उत्पादक आज या प्रक्रियेत मानाने स्वतःचे अस्तित्व सिद्ध करू पाहत आहेत. याचाच एक भाग म्हणून आपल्या प्रयत्नाने धवल क्रांतीचे प्रणेते मा. स्व. डॅा. वर्गीस कुरीयनजी यांच्या जन्म शताब्दी वर्षानिमित्त आयोजित केलेल्या या कार्यक्रमा मध्ये आपण माझ्या सारख्या सामान्य दुध उत्पादक शेतकऱ्याची जी निवड केली ती दुग्धउत्पादनास प्रेरणा देणारी अशीच आहे.

आपण या निमित्ताने आम्हाला राष्ट्रीय स्तरावरील जे व्यासपीठ मिळवून दिले त्या बद्दल मी आपल्याला कोटी कोटी धन्यवाद देतो. तसेच माझा हा व्यवसाय प्रामाणिकपणे आणि सचोटीने करण्यास कटिबद्ध राहीन हीच डॅा. वर्गीस कुरियन सर यांना आदरांजली असेल. पुनश्च धन्यवाद

विजय राजाराम घराळ
मु.पो.सिद्धनेर्ली,ता.कागल. जि.कोल्हापूर