Join a series of Four Webinars on "The Path to Safer Dairy" to be hosted by Agilent Technologies in association with Indian Dairy Association (West Zone), scheduled between February - July 2025. Register NOW for the Webinar !

Chairman's Desk


Dear Fellow Dairymen,

After the new ZEC took charge on 6 th December 2022, the first grand event ahead of us was to organize the 49 th Dairy Industry Conference. With determination to make it a grand success, we organized our flagship mega event -49 th Dairy Industry Conference at Gandhinagar during 16-18 March 2023. I feel satisfied that the event raised the standard, set a landmark in the history of DICs and we are well appreciated by all the stakeholders who attended the same. There were about 3000 delegates who attend the conference and expo during the 3 days feast. The grand inauguration was done by Shri Parshottam Rupala, Union minister of Dairying, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries. On the last day, Indian Dairy Summit was organized in the august presence of Shri Amit Shah, Union Minister of Home Affairs and Cooperation as the Chief Guest. Shri Bhupendra Patel, Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Jagdishbhai Viswakarma, MOS for Co-operation, Govt of Gujarat and Shri Rajesh Kumar Singh, Secretary, DAHD, GoI remained present as the guests of honour.

WishThere were two farmers' sessions with 13 speakers including 4 progressive women farmers, ten technical sessions with 45 speakers including 6 foreign speakers, and seven industry sessions with 20 speakers. In all, there were 21 sessions with 82 speakers, whereas 40 experts served as Chair or Co-Chair of sessions. We had Keynote address by Shri Meenesh Shah, Chairman, NDDB; Dr Kurien oration by Shri Ramesh Chand, Member, NITI Ayog; Dr MR Srinivasan Memorial lecture by Dr AK Srivastava, VC, DAVASU and a Special lecture by Shri Rajesh Kumar Singh, Secretary, DAHD. Total 91 posters were presented in 4 different sessions based on thematic areas. In all sessions 3 prizes were given to best poster based on content, adaptability, and presentation.

The concurrent expo was also a grand success where total 147 companies took part, The total exhibition carpet area was 8403 , which contained 473 stalls of 9 each. There more than 4000 visitors, most of them having a focus on business.

I thank all the members of our committees, especially executive members of CEC, ZEC and SEC of Gujarat for their immense contribution in making the conference a success.

India is a world leader in milk production and consumption and hence IDA has greater responsibilities in our country. It is our moral duty to protect the interest of millions of farmers, who are dependent on milk business and at the same time protect the interest of millions of consumers by proving them healthy, wholesome milk products. IDA (West Zone) is actively engaged in promoting dairy sector in five major states of India, viz., Gujarat, Maharashtra, MP, Chhattisgarh and Goa. We are committed to help all our stakeholders, starting from primary milk producer to all in supply chain, animal health care professionals, cattle feed and fodder suppliers, dairy industry professionals, planners, researchers, students, dairy equipment and machinery manufacturers and suppliers, dairy ingredient manufacturers and all concerned with the dairy sector.

IDA (West Zone) is planning to reach to each and every person connected to dairying and plans to bring them under the umbrella of IDA. We wish to come to your region and plan some events to share knowledge and latest happenings in the sector. As MP, CG and Goa are relatively low represented states in IDA, we plan to have special focus in these states.

I appeal to all concerned with the dairy sector to come to us, give their suggestions, share their innovations and promote dairy sector as a whole. IDA is eager to provide a platform for multifarious activities. As IDA was established in 1948, we are celebrating 75 th Year of IDA all over India and the west zone will have special events to celebrate this 75 th year of IDA. At the same time, we also plan to organize short term training programs for the executives for upgradation of skills and sharing of innovations.

I wish to have cooperation and support from all our esteemed members in all our activities.

J.B. Prajapati

Chairman, IDA (West Zone)

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